Submitting Your Listing for Approval

Only publicly listed apps are searchable on the AppExchange. To list your app or provide a trial template publicly on the AppExchange, it must pass the AppExchange Security Review. This review ensures that your app or trial template is safe for customers to install. As a provider, you are obligated to update your security review information whenever your app or trial template changes.

The information provided in this review is available to all AppExchange customers.

To start the review for a packaged app, follow these steps:

  1. Click Start Review in the package's Security Review column on the Publishing home page or click Start Review on the Offering tab when editing the listing.
  2. Select whether you charge for your application or if your application is free. Free applications must complete the review, but the review fee is waived.
  3. If you charge for your application, Partner Operations will email you information within two business days on how to pay for the review. This is an annual payment.
  4. Indicate if your application integrates with any web services outside of, including your own servers.
  5. If your application integrates with other web services, list all of them in the Webservices Used box. You can enter up to 1000 characters.
  6. If your application integrates with other web services, select how your application authenticates with those services. Enter any helpful comments in the box provided. You can enter up to 1000 characters.
  7. Indicate if your application stores user credentials outside of
  8. Indicate if your application stores customer data outside of
  9. If your application stores customer data outside of, list all objects accessed in the Objects Accessed box. You can enter up to 255 characters.
  10. Indicate if your application requires that customers install any client components, such as software or plug-ins.
  11. If your application requires client components, enter the details in the Requirements box. You can enter up to 1000 characters.
  12. Click Start Security Review to start the AppExchange Security Review. To discard your changes and return to the previous page, click Cancel.
    You are contractually required to keep this information current. For example, if you upgrade your app to use a new web service, you must edit the information in your security review submission. To edit your submission information, click Edit Review on the Offering tab when editing the listing. Apps are reviewed again periodically.

Once you click “start review,” a member of the partner operations team will email you the next steps within two business days.

To provide a free trial of your app and Salesforce, both your app (package) and its trial template must receive a security review. To start the review process for a trial template:

  1. Ensure all packages included in the trial template have passed the AppExchange Security Review. There is no additional cost for the trial template security review.
  2. Click Start Review in the trial template's Security Review column on the Publishing home page.
  3. Click Sign Up Using Trial Template.
  4. Enter the desired username and email for your new organization.
    Your new credentials (username and password) are sent to this email.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. Once you receive a sign-up email with your user credentials, log into that organization and set the permanent password.
  7. Return to the AppExchange and your template's Security Review page by clicking Start Review in the trial template's Security Review column on the Publishing home page.
  8. Click Change Organization.
  9. Enter your username and password for your new trial organization.
  10. Click Start Security Review or click Cancel to discard your changes and return to the previous page. The trial template security review takes a few days, and the review team will contact you with questions.
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